Sébastien Marot | 09.05.2023

„Taking the Country’s Side: Agriculture and Architecture“
Are cities and metropolises the manifest destiny of humankind ? The present environmental predicament might well lead us to question this idea, and to encourage something like a urban exodus…
** The lecture will be held in English – Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt **
Picture to announce the content of the lecture:

Sébastien Marot
Sébastien Marot holds a master in philosophy and a Phd in history. Between 1986 and 2002, he was general delegate of the Société Française des Architectes in Paris, where he organized numerous series of lectures on the history of architecture and architectural theory, and launched the journal Le Visiteur (1994-2003).
He has written extensively on the genealogy of contemporary theories in architecture, urban and landscape design. Having taught in different schools or architecture or landscape design in Europe and North America (Architectural Association, IAU Geneva, Harvard, Cornell, Upenn, ETH Zürich), he is currently professor at the École d’Architecture de Marne La Vallée, where he has launched another journal : Marnes : documents d’architecture, and guest professor at the EPFL (Enac), where he teaches the History of the Environment.
For the 2014 Venice Biennale, he recently collaborated with Rem Koolhaas/Amo on the Fireplace/Hearth section of the exhibition on the “Elements of Architecture” (Fireplace, Marsilio 2014), and wasinvolved with AMO and the GSD Harvard on a research and teaching program on the Countryside. His book Sub-Urbanism and the Art of Memory (AA Publications, London 2003) has been translated in several languages. The french Académie d’Architecture awarded Marot the Medal for architectural analysis (in 2004) and the Prize for architectural research (in 2010), for his PhD : Palimpsestuous Ithaca : A Relative Manifesto for Sub-Urbanism.
He is currently preparing the publication of the latter, and has recently co-edited (with F. Hertweck, at Lars Müller Publishers) a “genetic reedition” of Oswald Mathias Ungers, Rem Koolhaas and alii, The City Within the City –Berlin : A Green Archipelago (1977). In 2019, Marot curated a large exhibition for he Lisbon Architecture Triennale, entitled Taking the Country’s side: Agriculture and Architecture, a work in progress which has been shown in different places since (Lausanne, Lyon, Brussels), and is currently presented in Marseille. In 2020, the Académie d’Architecture awarded hi mits Medal for teaching and research.
über Sébastien Marot
Sébastien Marot, Philosoph, lehrt Geschichte der Architektur, Landschaft und Umwelt an der École d’Architecture de la Ville & des Territoires Paris-Est und an der École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in der Schweiz.
Marot ist Autor mehrerer Bücher, darunter ‚Sub-Urbanism and the Art of Memory‘ (AA Publications 2003), und ‚Taking the Country’s Side: Landwirtschaft und Architektur“ (Poligrafa 2019).